Street & Smith: (1931-1932) (published by Street & Smith) This page contains a list of all publications in the series including items such as magazines, trade paperback books, and other items of interest. If you have found a publication or item that is not seen on this page, please add it to this list. Next: Street & Smith Vol 1 |
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Street & Smith Publications, Inc., (which was later bought by Condé Nast Publications) was a New York City publisher specializing in dime-store paperbacks, pulp magazines and pulp-related comic books.
In the early 1930s, the publishing house began promoting its Detective Story Magazine, via a radio program, that dramatized stories from the publication. The program was hosted by the mysterious Shadow.
When readers began clamoring for the magazine featuring "The Shadow," the company quickly hired writer and magician Walter B. Gibson to write about the character, and feature him in print. The Shadow Magazine hit the newsstands in 1931 and lasted for 325 issues.
As part of "The Ideal Library" imprint, Street & Smith reprinted the first three Shadow stories as hardback books. The volumes measure 5 x 7 1/2 inches and were 1 1/2 inches thick. They were issued without dust jackets and the paper was "pulp." They sold for 25 cents throughout the 1930s.
The Ideal Library:
- The Living Shadow (hardback)
- The Eyes of The Shadow (hardback)
- The Shadow Laughs (hardback)
See Also
- Publications from Street & Smith
- Cover Gallery: Street & Smith
- Cover Gallery: Street & Smith
- No catalogued images.
- List of The Shadow stories
- The Shadow Comics
- The Shadow Radio Show
- The Shadow Magazine
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