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"Veterans of a Foreign War"

Scott Beatty

Ronan Cliquet

Ronan Cliquet

Mat Lopes

Rob Steen

Joe Rybandt

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Appearing in "Veterans of a Foreign War"

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:


  • Howard Griffith (flashback & main story; dies)
  • Etienne LaPorte (dies)
  • Iain Roderick (dies)

Other Characters:

  • Edith Wenner (dies)


  • New York City
  • The Russian Tea Room
  • An unnamed volcano island
  • France (flashback)



Synopsis for "Veterans of a Foreign War"

Kent Allard crosses paths with an old war buddy, but he quickly discovers that since their friendship on the battlefields, the fellow veteran has taken the path to villainy. He invites Allard and Margo Lane to an unnamed volcano island. While on the island, Allard is asked to join his buddy's "magical trio" of killers. Allard declines, and then hears Margo screaming afar. Allard, as The Shadow, comes to her rescue and quickly takes down the trio. He then returns their evil souls to Hell by tossing their bodies down a volcano. In the morning, Miles Crofton flies in to take them off the island.


  • No special notes.


  • No trivia.

See Also

Recommended Reading

  • None.

Links and References

  • None.