"The Third Shadow"
"The Cobra"
Appearing in "The Third Shadow"
Featured Characters:
- The Shadow (also disguised as "Fritz, the janitor")
Supporting Characters:
- The Shadow's Agents:
- Duke Hydon
- Kidder Dagland
- Brad Stuggart
- Spike Gonley
- Jake Lassop (dies)
- Louie Zutz (dies)
- George Corbal (the second Shadow; dies)
- Sparkler Meldin (the third Shadow; dies)
- Parlington, the butler (dies)
Other Characters:
- Commissioner Ralph Weston
- Acting Inspector Joe Cardona
- Detective Sergeant Markham
- Stanley, the chauffeur
- Jerry Renwood
- Patrolman Jennings
- Lucian Yorne (dies)
- New York City
- Casino Havanola
- Club Torreo
- Cobalt Club
- Hilo Club
- The Shadow's Sanctum
- Slook's Cafe
- San Francisco, California
Synopsis for "The Third Shadow"
Reprinted from Shadow Magazine #98.
Appearing in "The Cobra"
Featured Characters:
Supporting Characters:
- The Shadow's Agents:
- Crawler Gorgan (dies)
- Gringo Volks (dies)
- Deek Hundell (dies)
Other Characters:
- Commissioner Ralph Weston
- Inspector Timothy Klein
- Acting Inspector Joe Cardona
- Detective Sergeant Markham
- Caleb Myland
- New York City
- Badger Building
- The Black Ship
- The Blue Crow
- Cobalt Club
- The Shadow's Sanctum
- The Shadow's rubber suction cups
Synopsis for "The Cobra"
Reprinted from Shadow Magazine #51.
- There is a foreword by Dick Ayers who recalls how The Shadow inspired the creation of the comic book character, Ghost Rider.
- No trivia.
See Also
- Write your own review of this publication!
- Discuss Shadow Magazine Vol 2 7 on the forums
- Cover gallery for the Shadow Magazine series
Recommended Reading
- None.
Links and References
- None.