In 1993, Dark Horse Comics began publishing The Shadow. The first limited series ran for 4-issues and was written by Michael Kaluta. Dark Horse continued to publish The Shadow until 1995. In 2014, they collaborated with Dynamite Entertainment to publish Grendel Vs. The Shadow.
Below are various comic books published by Dark Horse Comics where The Shadow was a featured character.
In the Coils of Leviathan: 4 Issues: The first Shadow series by Dark Horse Comics was set in the 1930s, featuring The Shadow hunting down a subterranean menace in the New York City sewers. | |
The Shadow: In the Coils of Leviathan (collected) |
The Shadow Movie: 2 Issues: The Shadow was a two-issue comic adaptation of the 1994 Universal Pictures film. |
The Shadow and the Mysterious 3: A oneshot issue with three short stories. |
The Shadow: Hell's Heat Wave: 3 Issues: A gang warfare erupts with the tongs and various mafia clans spilling blood on the dirty avenues of New York. |
The Shadow and Doc Savage: 2 Issues. The Shadow teams-up with his Street & Smith brother, Doc Savage. The two issue limited-series saw the pulp heroes entangled in a Nazi plot involving monsters and zombies. |
Ghost and The Shadow: 2 Issues. The Shadow is paired up with Dark Horse's own gun toting hero, Ghost. |
Rocketeer Adventure Magazine: 3 Issues. Though not really a "Shadow" title, the three issue limited-series featured Cliff Secord, The Rocketeer, becoming an operative for a shadowy pulp crime-fighter known as "Jonas." The first two issues were published by Comico. Five years later, Dark Horse published the final installment. |
Grendel Vs. The Shadow: 3 Issues published jointly by Dark Horse (who owns the license to Grendel) and Dynamite Entertainment (who owns the license to The Shadow for now). |